First and foremost, I’m YOUR hair loss advocate. And nothing compares to that. I’ve been an entrepreneur, author, and have worked with some of the top names in the cosmetology industry, but assisting women like you to eradicate hair loss and restore overall wellness is the driving purpose in my work.
I’m sure you’ve heard of other hair-loss remedies, or maybe you have consulted medical professionals and been less than satisfied with the results. What I will do is teach you how to interpret the language that your body is speaking through your hair.
This is a holistic approach that involves reviewing your daily habits and understanding how they contribute to your current condition. It also involves making strategic modifications to your lifestyle to make sure you are doing all that you should to support recovery from hair loss.
Hair loss is not the cause, it’s a symptom of something greater.
It’s with this root-cause focus in mind that I apply a proven, three-step method that gets directly to the source of what you are dealing with. There are a lot of “so-called” hair growth hacks and prescribed medicines claiming to “cure” alopecia. At worst these protocols yield little to no result. At best they are temporary solutions. These methods fail because they don’t get to the heart of hair loss.
What I do is pinpoint what doctors often overlook: the underlying source of alopecia. Uncovering the root cause allows me to apply a holistic approach that will restore the body into homeostasis. And that’s where healing and regrowth take place.
You and I will make this journey together and it’s my goal that when you walk away from the program you’ll not only experience regrowth in your hair, but rejuvenation in your health and confidence.
Learn How to Stabilize Your Hair
In Just 3 Easy Steps!
Download this FREE report to improve the health of your hair.
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Did you know over 21 million women
in the U.S. suffer with hair loss?
That’s over 40% of the female population hiding behind wigs and hats, camouflaging their natural beauty, and altogether feeling ashamed and small when they should feel powerful and proud!
Interestingly enough, nearly 95 percent of the women I’ve worked with report that they were let down and disappointed by either a licensed medical professional, or from a ‘so called’ growth hack. Sound familiar? It’s disappointment like this, and the overreliance on western medical approaches, that produce statistics showing hair-loss sufferers have a slim chance of ever regrowing their hair again.
This is a MYTH! Don’t believe it!
The truth is… All body systems, including your hair, skin, and nails, are dependent upon each other to function optimally. Your hair health is predicated upon overall cellular health.
My methodology is to take a whole-woman approach, one that considers lifestyle and habits to interpret the language your body is speaking through your hair. It’s an honor and a privilege to be able to guide women from a place of frustration with alopecia to a place of restored hair, health and wellness.
That’s the reason I became a trained hair-loss expert, and why I can confidently call myself Your Hair Loss Advocate. Taking on this role as Your Hair Loss Advocate has allowed me to assist women the world over. From this I’ve learned that no matter your geographic location, a recovery strategy can be created for you.

Having helped thousands of women reclaim their hair, health and confidence, I know first hand that each and everyone is unique in their own way. It’s with this in mind that I’ve put together offerings that will accommodate your comfort level.
Whether you’re only interested in learning more about myself and my method, or you’re ready to travel down a path to wellness, I have an offering that is structured to meet you where you’re at. These offerings come in the following forms and you are welcome to get involved at whatever speed and level suits you best.
- DISCOVERY SESSION – A free, 15-minute consultation to understand your situation
- FACT FINDING MISSION – A 90-minute consultation of diagnostic testing that uncovers root causes
- THE PATH TO WELLNESS – A 120-day journey to restore your hair, your health, and your spirit
In-depth details about each step of the process can be found on the WEHL Program Page.

About Me
Like you, I have battled hair loss. It’s from this experience that I realized the solution wasn’t in a product, but rather a process. Couple this life-changing realization with three-decades in the cosmetology space, not to mention experience running my own salon, a Trichologist certification, and time spent working with some of the leading brands in the industry, and what you get is WEHL, lead by me and my unwavering purpose, vision and mission.
Purpose Statement
To be a beacon of hope and support that guides women in identifying the unknown factors surrounding their hair loss, and to have that be merely the first step in their transformational recovery to regrow their hair, revitalize their life, and to heal their bodies.
Vision Statement
To assist, encourage and invigorate a movement the world over where women are aligned with their inner-self and empowered to usher in an era absent of hair loss, but filled with holistic wellness of mind, body and spirit for all.
Mission Statement
To educate and ignite the spark of confidence in every woman I work with so they can understand that the path to eradicating hair loss is from the inside-out.
Ky Smith, THANK YOU!! I have been suffering from, itchy, burning irritated scalp and hair loss for more than 6 months. In less than an hour, during a virtual consultation, Ky pinpointed my problem and let me know exactly what treatments would be needed to restore and repair my hair.
I feel so blessed to have found Ky, she has totally transformed my hair, I have NEVER been in such good hands! Not only is she extremely knowledgeable but she also has great customer service.
We’ve all known that information is power, so come get some you can apply to your hair and health regime.
I regularly post tips and suggestions on both Facebook and Instagram. And for the video lovers out there, I will be bringing my expertise to Youtube shortly. Stay tuned!
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Why address the symptom when you can get to the root? What's your approach to hair loss, is it producing results?
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Ky Smith specializes in creating the best foundation for healthy hair, starting from the inside, out. Here you find all the latest news, facts, and helpful tools to diagnose and treat damaged hair!