In the world of hair care, the pressing comb has been a long-standing tool, treasured by African American women for its ability to transform curly hair into sleek, straight locks. Originating in France during the mid-1800s, the pressing comb found its way into the...
The month of September has been observed for “Alopecia Awareness”, and I wanted to share a few tips with you on the root causes of Alopecia. What is Alopecia? Alopecia is a Latin word that means “hair loss”. It’s the partial or complete...
As the summer sunshine beams down upon us, it’s time to embrace the season with open arms and, of course, fabulous hair. But wait, before you rush off to soak up the sun, let’s talk about how you can protect your luscious locks from potential damage. As a...
Do you ever get tired of drinking water? The weather is beautiful, temperatures are blazing, and you’re trying to keep cool. We all know during the warmer months you’re supposed to consume more water to maintain hydration in the body, but sometimes...
Life in the fast lane has become the norm for many of us, leaving little room for self-care and proper nourishment. Unfortunately, this hectic lifestyle takes a toll on our bodies, making us more susceptible to various health issues. As women, one specific concern...