Ky Smith, what she preaches…she also has practiced! While battling her own issues with hair loss, Ky made a decision to get to the root cause…not only for herself, but also for the millions of women she would serve!
Determined to change the way stylist and medical professionals treat and diagnose hair loss, Ky decided to become the missing link between hair care and medicine! She travels around the world educating and empowering what she likes to call ‘First Responders’ on how to identify, treat, and prevent hair loss in both men and women! Her message is one of Help, Hope, and Hair Restoration! She is the Authority in Hair Care, Hair Loss, and Wellness.

When it comes to Identifying, Treating, and Preventing hair loss…Ky Smith has the JUICE! She has turned her revolutionary approach to eradicating hair loss into a system. She teaches that system to beauty professionals while also helping them understand how to leverage the chair to build a profitable business! For Ky it’s about more than making her clients look good, it’s about helping them feel good too!
Ky understands that hair loss is “skin deep”, there’s an underlying issue that needs to be addressed to truly eradicate the problem. Her clients boast the fact that Ky leaves no stone unturned when it comes to her service. She partners with medical and beauty professional all over the country to deliver her Hair Restoration System. This “wrap-around” approach helps those that she serves regain, and tap into their personal power!
The results are a renewed sense of confidence because now they have the missing link between hair care and medicine – that missing link is Ky Smith!